Something is Rotten in Voice Memos

Probably you already noticed if you are a heavy user of Voice Memos application but, in case not, you should know that since iOS 12, Voice Memos has a brand new UI and a fancy Edit function that is the source of this audio nightmare.

Problem happens when you use Replace feature to edit an original recording.
Replace is not reliable and can corrupt the original recording. Corrupted recordings can be repaired, but are significantly shorter in duration than originals.
The missing duration is lost forever.

We warn all our customers about this situation but we are finding hundreds of requests during last 2 weeks.

Voice Memos duration warning using

How to Avoid it

Avoid using the “Edit Recording” as it seems that it’s not a reliable feature.
If you have to use it, take some precautions:

  • Always do “Duplicate” and create a back-up of your recording before using the “Edit Recording” feature.
  • After editing a Voice Memos recording, give enough time to your phone to perform the operation before jumping into a new task.
  • In particular, don’t do a second “Edit Recording” or a “Share…” operation immediately after an edit.

What Our Service Can Do

If you have a corrupted Voice Memos recording (or any unplayable audio file, from any device), you can use our service to determine the true duration of audio present in the file, and then to repair it.

Unfortunately in Voice Memos the duration is usually significantly shorter than expected, but many customers still consider that for important material, it’s better to recover a portion of it than to get nothing.

As you can imagine, we adjust the cost of the repair to the real amount of audio that is being repaired and not the initially one displayed in your iPhone.