New Supported Browsers!

Good news from the browsers front: We have crossed the 50% support rate during this summer.

With the release of Internet Explorer 10 as part of Windows 8 launch next week, the lines will be moving fast during this fall.
We could reach 70% support rate by end of year. It’s definitively an exciting time for HTML5 web apps like!

Let’s review support by browser family:

Firefox works like a charm, starting with version 9. It’s the most reliable browser if you want to repair videos with our service. The only catch: Videos above 4 GB cannot be downloaded after repair. But you won’t repair videos that big, will you?

The workaround for this small problem is to use a different browser for download. Firefox is the king for repair.

Chrome is doing well, starting with version 13.

Internet Explorer 10 is the new kid in town. Previous versions are lacking essential features and will never be supported. This new browser looks robust, fast, and apt for video repair. Both versions, desktop and RT (aka Metro) have passed the test!

Safari 6, available for Mac OS X Lion and Mountain Lion, is not officially supported, but doesn’t prevent you from using it. Diagnostics and repair work fine, but there’s a problem with download after repair. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.

A word about Opera: New versions 12.1 is getting very close, but still lacks 2 or 3 features. Given the pace of progress, I hope that during 2013 we can announce that Opera is supported.

On the mobile arena, iOS 6 (released last month) now works with, but is not officially supported. iOS 6 lets you pick files only from your Photo album, which is a hard limitation for the moment.