Internet Explorer 10

Windows 8 will only be released in fall 2012, but many people is already using the “Consumer Preview” that ships with Internet Explorer 10.

Internet Explorer 10 is the first version of Microsoft browser that supports modern HTML5 and Javascript APIs: Hooray! it will work with!

IE10 will probably be released during this summer to the public, both for Windows 7 and Windows 8, so it’s the browser that tomorrow 20% to 30% of people will use. We can’t miss the opportunity to make it work beautifully with

I have done some testing and after some tweaking to the web app, I got it to work.
Note that it’s not officially supported yet. Some work is still needed.

  • IE10 doesn’t implement readAsBinaryString. We had to use ArrayBuffers instead
  • IE10 doesn’t implement ArrayBuffer slice. We had to add some ugly code as a workaround
  • IE10 “inherits” the bad stuff. QuickTime plug-in check is a mess, for example


Diagnostics works great. We need to optimize Javascript code.

Repair goes smooth. (except for the QuickTime controls half visible, but we will fix it)


Diagnostics and Repair work fine in Metro environment.
The only problem is that it doesn’t let you download the repaired files. But we will find a workaround sooner than later.

Give us a couple of weeks and IE10 will work like a champ on