New Player in Sport Cameras

Seems that those who love recording their sport adventures in full detail are really lucky.
Geonaute has just announced the launch of its new 360º high resolution action sports video camera.

With a full horizontal range of 360 degrees and a vertical range of 150 degrees there’s little you will miss from the scene for sure.

No need to worry about focus or point the camera to the action. Everything will be automatically recorded. Later at editing time, you will be able to select the desired point of view. Ever wanted to know what was happening on your back when skiing down the hill?
Now you can with this camera!

It is a specially designed camera for extreme sports, waterproof (for surface activity, although it also has a special case for sports like scuba diving) and shock. It is quite lightweight (270 grams) and, although it has its own range of accessories also all the well-known GoPro ones can be used.

But as you can imagine, shit happens, and a hard landing or empty battery will leave you with a corrupt video. So whenever you need us, we’ll be ready to help you dealing with that cool footage lost.